💎 Ethereum

trace_replayTransaction RPC Method

Executes the transaction with the given hash and returns traces. Ideal for simulations and blockchain analysis.



The hash of the transaction to be traced.

2.TRACE TYPE [required]

  • array - The type of traces to include

    • vmTrace - Include the full trace of the virtual machine during the transaction

    • trace - Include the basic trace of the transaction

    • stateDiff - Include state changes caused by the transaction


  • object - The trace object.

    • output - The output (return value) of the call.

    • stateDiff - The state changes that would happen due to the transaction in the given eth_call.

    • trace - The trace of the call.

      • action - The action to be performed.

        • from - The address of the sender.

        • callType - The type of method such as call, delegatecall.

        • gas - The gas provided by the sender.

        • input - The input data of the call or delegatecall.

        • to - The address of the receiver.

        • value - The amount of ETH sent with this transaction.

      • result - The result of the transaction.

        • gasUsed - Gas used by the transaction.

        • output - The return value of the call. Can be empty.

      • subtraces - The traces of internal transactions (calls made by the contract)

      • traceAddress - The list of addresses where the call was executed, the address of the parents and the order of the current sub call.

      • type - The value of the method such as call or create.

    • vmTrace - The full trace of the virtual machine's state during execution of the given eth_call, including any sub-calls.

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POST https://<network>.chainnodes.org/YOUR-API-KEY



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  • HTTPS POST Request with a JSON RPC call in the body
  • Replace YOUR-API-KEY with the API key from your Chainnodes.org Dashboard
  • You can use a different supported network by replacing mainnet
curl https://mainnet.chainnodes.org/YOUR-API-KEY \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"method":"trace_replayTransaction","params":["0xe4c5d1d7b31082c2740ceaa012bd5aa5c766954eda71ea2e04c164505eacd58b", ["stateDiff"]],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'


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