
zkLink Nova chain RPC Methods & API Documentation

eth_unsubscribe RPC method

eth_unsubscribe true when the client is actively listening for network connections, otherwise false


Confirmation - True if the subscription is canceled successfully.

    "id": 1, 
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "result": true


  • Subscription ID [required] ( It was previously generated in a eth_subscribe JSON-RPC request)


POST https://<network>

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  • WSS Request with a JSON RPC call in the body
  • Replace YOUR-API-KEY with the API key from your CHAINNODES.ORG Dashboard
  • You can use a different supported network by replacing zklink-nova-mainnet
wscat \
    -c wss://
>{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_unsubscribe", "params": ["0x44567e1f7aa50f78e15c1a93dd9cbfd3"]}

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